l"Islam - traduzione in francese
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l"Islam - traduzione in francese

Shlama; Islam (etymology); Salaam (peace); Islam (term); Sliem; Islam (word); Sin-Lam-Mim; S-l-m; S-L-M; ŠLM; Šlm
  • "Shalom"
  • "Shlama/Shlomo in (top) Madnkhaya, (middle) Serto, and (bottom) Estrangela script."

Islam, monotheistic religion based on the teachings of the prophet Mohammed which are written out in the Koran; body of Muslim believers, Muslim world
Piliers de l'Islam      
Pillars of Islam, Five Pillars of Islam, 5 basic tenets of the Islamic faith, they are: belief in Allah and in Muhammad as his prophet, prayer, charity, fasting, making a pilgrimage to Mecca


·noun ·same·as Shiite.
II. Shiah ·noun A member of that branch of the Mohammedans to which the Persians belong. They reject the first three caliphs, and consider Ali as being the first and only rightful successor of Mohammed. They do not acknowledge the Sunna, or body of traditions respecting Mohammed, as any part of the law, and on these accounts are treated as heretics by the Sunnites, or orthodox Mohammedans.



Shin-Lamedh-Mem is the triconsonantal root of many Semitic words and many of those words are used as names. The root meaning translates to "whole, safe, intact, unharmed, to go free, without blemish". Its earliest known form is in the name of Shalim, the ancient god of dusk of Ugarit. Derived from this are meanings of "to be safe, secure, at peace", hence "well-being, health" and passively "to be secured, pacified, submitted".

  • Central Semitic Š-L-M
    • Arabic: س-ل-م, S-L-M
      • Maltese: S-L-M
    • Imperial Aramaic: ܫ-ܠ-ܡ, Š-L-M
    • Canaanite: Š-L-M (c.f. Shalem)
    • Hebrew: ש-ל-ם‎, Š-L-M (Paleo-Hebrew 𐤔-𐤋-𐤌; Samaritan Hebrew ࠔ-ࠋ-ࠌ)
  • East Semitic S-L-M
  • South Semitic "S-L-M"
    • Ge'ez: ሰ-ላ-ም, S-L-M

Arabic salām (سَلاَم), Maltese sliem, Hebrew Shalom (שָׁלוֹם‎), Ge'ez sälam (ሰላም), Syriac šlama (pronounced Shlama, or Shlomo in the Western Syriac dialect) (ܫܠܡܐ) are cognate Semitic terms for 'peace', deriving from a Proto-Semitic *šalām-.

Given names derived from the same root include Solomon (Süleyman), Absalom, Selim, Salem, Salim, Salma, Salmah, Salman, Selimah, Shelimah, Salome, Szlama (Polish) etc.

Arabic (and by extension Maltese), Hebrew, Ge'ez, and Aramaic have cognate expressions meaning 'peace be upon you' used as a greeting:

  • Arabic: As-salāmu ʻalaykum (السلام عليكم) is used to greet others and is an Arabic equivalent of 'hello'. The appropriate response to such a greeting is "and upon you be peace" (wa-ʻalaykum as-salām).
    • Maltese: Sliem għalikom.
  • Hebrew: Shālôm ʻalêḵem (שלום עליכם‎) is the equivalent of the Arabic expression, the response being עליכם שלוםʻAlêḵem shālôm, 'upon you be peace'.
  • Ge'ez: Selami ālikayimi (ሰላም አልካይም)
  • Neo-Aramaic: Šlama 'lokh (ܫܠܡ ܥܠܘܟ), classically, Šlām lakh ܫܠܡ ܠܟ.
Esempi dal corpus di testo per l"Islam
1. Mais heureusement, lIslam et la foi йtaient lа pour le prйmunir contre la dйprime et lencourager а reprendre confiance.
2. Vous avez йtй, grвce а votre patriotisme et votre bravoure, puisйs des hautes valeurs de lIslam, le bouclier de lEtat rйpublicain, de ses institutions et son rempart fort.
3. Ce sont des conflits qui ont incontestablement des dimensions territoriale, économique, identitaire, qui préparent le terrain ŕ la violence aveugle des organisations se réclamant de l‘«islam», comme celle que nous connaissons toutes et tous.
4. Le chercheur lausannois Patrick Haenni a travaillé longtemps au Caire et il a décrit dans un livre et dans des articles de sociologie ce qu‘il nomme l‘«islam de marché»: une sorte d‘américanisation – c‘est un comble! – de la prédication musulmane, sur le mod';le des télévangélistes d‘outre–océan.
5. Le texte présenté au Parlement souligne, dans son premier article, que le régime irakien est "républicain, parlementaire, démocratique et fédéral". L‘article suivant souligne que l‘"islam est une source principale de la législation" et d‘ajouter qu‘il est interdit de "promulguer des lois qui soient contraires à ses principaux préceptes, aux principes démocratiques et aux droits et libertés spécifiés dans la Constitution". Entre–temps, le président irakien Jalal Talabani a repris les consultations pour tenter de trouver un compromis, alors que le Parlement de la région kurde autonome du nord se réunira mercredi pour définir sa position sur le projet de Constitution.